Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a fine time for ink

As winter is quickly aproaching a strange trend seems to come about.Tattoo shops everywhere sloooooooow way the hell down.I get that christmas is coming and money is tight but honestly this time of year is ideal for getting tattooed."Why,you ask". well sit down,shut up and I'll tell you why. Reason number one......In the cooler weather,people tend to cover up more which gives tattoos a better chance to heal,away from that summer sun that is not a friend to tattoos... number two.......Chances are,your tattoo artist has blown all his or her summer money and is wondering how the hell they are gonna buy gifts for all their illegitimate children.An amazing time to get great work at a great price.Tattoo artists treat people who save their asses really well. number three........I fuckin said so....ha ha ha seriously though.Tis the season to beautify your skin,so next summer when you're all but naked.You, my friend,will have a head start on everyone else.NICE,BRIGHT ,BEAUTIFUL TATTOOS not sunburnt ,faded,scabby ink.So do yourself a favor a get a tattoo,because DAMN IT you deserve it.And don't forget to ask your favorite tattoo shop about gift certificates for christmas.SANTA LOVES TATTOOS!!!!!!!! Jesus doesn't but who cares,with you're new ink you'll be way cooler than Jesus...thanx again