Tuesday, September 7, 2010

intimate relationships

finding and choosing a tattoo artist is a huge decision.The dynamics between a client and artist is such a huge part of the tattoo experience.There are some amazing artists out there that are capable of masterpieces but when you leave thier shop you feel bullied,belittled and all in all, shitty.Thats not cool at all.And on the other hand thier are mediocre artists that have such personality and truly care so much that even if the work isn't perfect you leave with a huge smile on your face.the relationship between you and your artist is wholly up to you.Figure out what you want in an artist,look at portfolios but take it a step further.Talk to your artist,how do they make you feel?confident?excited?happy????I'de say thats your man.they should be as passionate as you are.And a note to the ladies.There are alot of sleazy bastards out there,make sure your artist isn't one of them.I hear horror stories all the time about douche bag artists tryin to remove clothing or cop a cheap feel and honestly it enrages me and gives my artform a bad name.Get to know your artist because you might be spending alot of time together.If you love thier art,respect thier morals and ethics,appreciate thier cleanliness, its hard to see how you can go wrong.

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