Thursday, September 9, 2010

think before you tattoo

This is gonna be short and simple.TATTOOS ARE FOREVER!!!!!We really all need to get this before we knock a couple back and head to our favorite shop to get mom tattooed on our ass or a mustache on our finger,cause god damn its funny.Fads and fashions change so much over time but we only have one body.make sure you can live with your ink for a long time to come.There are alot of guys from the eighties that really thought a tribal or barbed wire band would make em look oh so cool.NOW I MAKE GOOD MONEY COVERING THEM UP.Do your reasearch,make sure its you, then wait a month,still want it ?Great!!!!! ask yourself if this new tattoo can affect your employability,your relationships,your life in general and if so can you live that.please please please care about yourself enough to consider these things.Do you really want to have to explain to your grandson in 30 years what your"SLIPPERY WHEN WET" tattoo means. You have been givin a brain people,take advantage of that,use the fricken thing.. By the way,our shop is having a special on NAUTICAL STARS so all you dumbshits come on down and get a bunch of em $200 a pop ha ha ha "sorry to all those poor poor people who actually have nautical stars in abundance"

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